Library Lawn Activities. Dancing
Peter Lennon Shooting for a Goal in Water Polo Match
Cricketer Geoff Lawson
School of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering - John Sapuppo - Man-Powered Glider
Progress Photograph of AGSM Building.
Site of AGSM Building
Engineering Fountain
Dr Ann Daniel - ANZAAS 1987
Geoff Lawson
Orientation Week - Hong Kong Students Society Stall
Auction at UNSW Book Fair, Unisearch House
UNSW Book Fair
Vice-Chancellor Rupert Myers at UNSW Book Fair
Aerial View of Kensington Campus
UNSW Amateur Radio Society Transmitting From a Temporary Aerial
Nigerian Artist Performing on Drums in the John Clark Gallery.
Nigerian Artist with a Student in the Union Craft Centre.
First and Second Grade Rugby vs St George